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One of the more common questions that School staff and parents ask when they are placing orders with Coastal for their school P.E uniform requirements is “ Should I order two different lengths of shorts for boys and girls?” Let’s take a look at the reason why this question is asked so often. When it comes to wearing shorts all the girls want to do is roll them up and make them as short as possible. When it comes to the boys all they want is to pull them down and make them as baggy and loose as possible. Boys like them long and to hang and girls like them short and skimpy.

Now, many parents or teachers who take the time to order the clothing for the students will think that they have to accommodate both the boys and the girls and then you have twice as much stock to order – not to mention to offload. Calling Coastal will always prove more efficient because they are there to ensure that you sell your stock every time. What they have found is that if they make one style of shorts with a greater rise it suits what the boys and the girls do to them then and it is more cost effective for the school on a whole.