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Mascots are an important part of school logos and whether your mascot is a falcon, a dragon or a panther, the designers at Coastal Enterprises can help you develop an eye catching logo in your school colors which aptly represents your school or team. To boost school moral, there is no better way than having a wide range of products available that feature your own school design. When a design is bright and eye catching, the students will love to wear their uniforms both as players and as spectators.

Other people at the game will easily be able to recognize which team you support and the players will look tidy and professional on the field showing that they have pride in their school. Mismatched uniforms on the other hand, create confusion for the spectators and players alike and do not do justice to your school.

Coastal Enterprises have developed a very affordable range of sportswear, accessories and out wear which can be manufactured in you school style. Logos and mascots can be incorporated into the designs so that there is no doubt which school or team you represent. The prices at Coastal Enterprises are comparable to those sold at Wal-Mart and Kmart and are within the budget restraints of even the lowest income bracket.