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Le’s Move for a helathire America

6 Moves Michelle Obama Is Making for a Healthier America – Wall St. Cheat Sheet http://news.google.com  6 Moves Michelle Obama Is Making for a Healthier AmericaWall St. Cheat SheetThe program, Let’s Move! was spearheaded by Obama in 2010, and encourages a...

Phys Ed Curriculum

SAD 17 OKs new phys ed curriculum – Lewiston Sun Journal http://news.google.com  SAD 17 OKs new phys ed curriculumLewiston Sun JournalOxford Hills Comprehensive High School physical education teacher Mike Loveless said physical education has undergone a...

National Fitness

Badge of Honor: National Fitness Programs from the President’s Council to Let … – Washingtonian.com (blog) http://news.google.com  Washingtonian.com (blog)Badge of Honor: National Fitness Programs from the President’s Council to Let...