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The school emblem is a fundamental part of a sports team uniform. It gives students pride and a sense of belonging any time they are wearing a piece of clothing emblazoned with the emblem. Every school has its own unique design of an emblem. However, there are other schools that normally encounter a problem of deciding on the best design for their emblem. To assist in such cases, Coastal Enterprises have come up with a wide range of pre-designed emblems that schools can choose from. With a ready made emblem, the company will easily make silk screens or embroidery designs to place on your school sports item. The company’s professional graphic art designers use a range of 14 different colors that clients can choose from to make uniquely styled designs. Production of ordered items begins as soon as the school representatives and the company artists have agreed on the emblem to use in the ordered items. The high quality products that can be sold with the emblem include items such as P.E uniforms, spirit wear, tees, and bags. To make production more efficient, the schools are required to provide the designers with details such as where to place school names, colors to be used, and the position for the school mascot. After the order completed and delivered, the files are saved for future orders.