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Coastal Enterprises has an excellent reputation for giving excellent customer care, recognizing that different schools have different needs. Each school will have a range of merchandise which suits the climate, income level and age group, of its students and this will often determine factors which will help to maximize profits for the school. Once a school has determined what products are most popular amongst student they know what they need to order and in what quantities.
As P.E uniforms are usually an optional item for purchase by the parents they seem to be popular with the student to wear P.E uniforms in their school colors. Students feel that they fit in better with their peers if they are wearing what is popular and let’s face it P.E uniforms are very popular and many students would wear them every day if they are allowed.
We recognize that there are other companies producing generic P.E uniforms in school colors but the merchandise at Coastal Enterprises is top quality, does not fade and is offered at a very competitive price. Additionally the profits all return to the school. The styles we sell are those proved to be most popular with students and they are fashionable while still being in keeping with school standards.