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Turning old clothes into cash

Area schools turn old clothing into cash – KSDK http://news.google.com  Area schools turn old clothing into cashKSDKThe program works like this: families donate gently-used children’s clothing and that clothing then goes on sale online. Parents can then...

Let’s Move Campaign

Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign Releases a Hip-Hop Album – Fresh and Healthy Nutrition (blog) http://news.google.com  Fresh and Healthy Nutrition (blog)Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign Releases a Hip-Hop AlbumFresh and Healthy...

Common Core Standards

Parents return to school to help children with Common Core-inspired homework – The Hechinger Report http://news.google.com  The Hechinger ReportParents return to school to help children with Common Core-inspired homeworkThe Hechinger ReportEditor’s note:...