by Coastal Sportswear | Duffle Bags
Coastal Enterprises has a great range of bags for all student needs throughout the year. We have a popular draw string PE uniform back pack which student like to use for their dirty PE uniforms. These draw string backpacks come in a variety of colors and they feature...
by Coastal Sportswear | PE Clothes Mascot
Does your sports team have a sports uniform, a mascot and custom designed spirit wear for the cheer squad? A winning team needs to have a distinctive mascot and a uniform in the team colors to stand out on grand final day, in order to do justice to your school. Teams...
by Coastal Sportswear | PE Clothes
How is your school image? Is your school logo recognizable to everyone in the community? Is it easy to distinguish between your students and students from other schools? Schools stand out in public when they have a clear school logo and specific school colors. When...
by Coastal Sportswear | Sweatshirts
Coastal Enterprises has increased the range of products to include a range of cool weather clothes including knitwear, PJ’s and boxers, jackets, sweats and long sleeved. We have the cold weather covered and your school can sell all these products and raise funds for...
by Coastal Sportswear | Spirit Wear
Spirit wear has become a fashion statement amongst high school students and is worn off the field as well as on the field. If you have a successful sports team at your school, there will be high demand amongst students for team spirit wear. Schools can make a good...